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Smart curation for the open internet


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This content was created by an IAB UK member

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 A guide to understanding how smart curation technology enhances ad quality, scales campaigns, and builds a sustainable ecosystem for advertisers and consumers by Keith Arrowsmith, Onetag


The ad tech world won’t stop talking about it. Some believe it has the potential to become a one-size-fits-all solution but others are still finding their feet, as they question the mechanics behind curation, and how exactly it can benefit them. It’s a hot topic, one that many want to discuss and become part of — but the industry still needs to look beyond the buzz to really understand what curation means and how to do it well.

Additionally, smart curation technology also removes low-quality ad placement wastage at source, then algorithmically curates high-quality media impressions across the premium open web. This advanced traffic shaping provides advertisers with additional scale for campaigns, including access to fresh audiences.

This guide simply summarises what exactly curation is, what the benefits are and how the industry can harness curation solutions to drive a better quality, more sustainable ecosystem for both advertisers and consumers. 

Key findings from the report include:

- How the industry is using supply-side curation.

- How advertising spend is being directed via curation platforms.

- What the industry makes of curation, with a focus on media agencies.

- Top 10 rules for smart curation. 

By Keith Arrowsmith, Global Marketing Director


Onetag provides your co-pilot for better media quality and performance. Our programmatic deal platform and AI-powered technology deliver more effective digital advertising for the open internet, harnessing deeper placement level intelligence to achieve your business outcomes. We feed every DSP with curated, high performing impressions from over 2,000 directly integrated publishers, using real-time data without cookies. We filter out all the wastage and optimize to deliver only high attention and uncluttered inventory, contextual relevance and engaged users.

Posted on: Wednesday 8 January 2025

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